About Sundarbans

Sundarbans,the home of the famous Royal Bengal Tiger . The Sundarbans in bengali is "Shundorbon". It is the largest mangrove forest in the world . In bengali language sundar means "beautiful"and ban means "forest or jungle .Therefore Sundarbans means beautiful forest or jungle . The name may have derived from the sundari trees . Those trees are found in sundarbans in large numbers . The forest covers 10,000 km^2.

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The Sundari tree

The Golpatha tree

The Sundari tree

About Sundarbans Information

About Sundarbans:


  • Animals:
  1. Royal Bengal Tiger ( Panther Tigris )
  2. The River Terrapin ( Batagur baska )
  3. Indian Flap Shelled Turtle ( lissemys punctata )
  4. Yellow monitor ( Varanus flavescens )
  5. Water Monitor ( Varanus salvator )
  6. Indian Python ( Python moluris )
  7. Fishing Cat ( Prionailurus viverrinus )
  8. Wild Boar
  • Trees:
  1. Sundari (Heritiera fomes)
  2. Golpata( Nypa fruticans )
  3. Goran (Ceriops decandra)
  4. Kaora (Sonneratia apetala )
  5. Dundal ( Xylocpus granatum )
  6. Son ( Imperata cylindrical )
  7. Nol khagra ( Phragmites karka )
  8. Gayoya ( Excoecaria agallocha )
  • Birds:
  1. Fishing eagle
  2. White lbis
  3. Water hen
  4. Spotted doves
  5. Whistling teal
  6. Green pigeon
  7. Open Billed Storks